Wednesday 5 April 2017

Design Museum - CoP research

Imagine Moscow

For the CoP module submission, we were asked to produce a presentation outlining our research aims for our CoP3 work for third year. We had to come up with a topic based on one of a few options listed in the brief. As my essay this year looked at design around the world, I thought that I would carry this topic on as it is something I am interested in and would be able to engage with during research.

I chose the option to answer...

Question 6: To what extent has Graphic Design constructed our understanding or view of historical events and perceptions of truth?

After choosing a topic and the question above, I wanted to conduct some primary research relating to the topic. I searched around for relevant exhibitions and found one at the London Design Museum called 'Imagine Moscow'. The exhibition turned out to be one of the best ones I have been to in recent years and was very relevant to the area of research I want to explore over the summer period in preparation for third year. The exhibition looked at the architectural propaganda of the Russian Revolution. Although the exhibition was not solely graphic design, it included a whole range of examples that will be suitable for my project.

Russian's October Revolution in 1917 was a turning point not only for the political history of the 20th century, but also in the evolution of design. The ideas unleashed by that period of social and cultural turmoil are still reflected in the work of contemporary architects and designers. This exhibition explored one aspect of that legacy; the impact on the idea of the city and the way that it was presented to the soviet public through propaganda.

El Lissitzky's speculative plan for rebuilding Moscow was based on a new building type, the so-called 'Cloud Iron', a horizontal skyscraper. He envisaged a network of these structures around Moscow's Boulevard Ring. The eight buildings were to be placed at major intersections, directly connecting offices and living space on the upper floors to the new tram and metro stations at street level. 

For me, work like this is extremely inspiring as it is so ambitious and innovative and those are two aspects of design that I want to improve on in my own practice; not to just produce 'good design' but to be innovative with my ideas and concepts and to take things that one step further. 

Overall the visit to this exhibition was extremely beneficial and gave me a whole range of ideas and topic areas for my CoP3 project. I have bought a book that further explains the work on show as well as some more history ad politics surrounding the events. This will be extremely useful when I start my research. 

The show has also inspired the thought to visit Moscow itself over Summer as this would benefit my work hugely going into third year and is a measure I am willing to take and want to in order for my own practice to progress and reach the level I am aiming for.

Saturday 1 April 2017

Life's A Pitch



To host a small scale art and design exhibition along side live music & DJs held inside a student house, creating a relaxed and intimate environment. The aim is to take away some aspects of exhibitions that may put students off  attending them such as distance away from home and/or cost.

Appropriate audience and market

The target market is all students, not just creatives. This is due to the fact that the venue will be right in the heart of Hyde Park which is home to thousands of students from a number of different universities.

The combination of work, music and drinks will attract all students who are looking to have a relaxed drink, listen to music or to check out our work. 

Suitable Delivery system / platform / location / outlet

The exhibition will be held in the house of one of the members of our team, which ever is more suited to hosting a small show.

It being in a house will reduce cost and time for other students to access the show by being close by.

It will also reduce the cost for us as a collective as the venue wouldn’t cost anything, allowing spending else where

Potential Partners

One team member is good friends with the people who run Nord. We will use them as a partner to attract an audience as they already have a large following within the target audience.

We also know a number of other DJs who could perform at the exhibition

We will make use of the digital and traditional print facilities here at the College for things like promotional material like fliers and stickers as well as banners and signage for the house.

Team Structure

Barney - I will be in charge of managing the joint funds. I will also take responsibility for providing the food and drinks and decide how these two things will be available to attendees.
Theo - Theo will be in charge of promoting. Making students aware of the show including the online advertising as well as in person.
Alec - He will be in charge of contacting Nord to partner up with them. This will then inform our promotional stuff and music equipment. And in charge of the venue

Legal & Financial Obligations

As it will be held inside a student house, we will have to be wary of noise. However, the show will be put on in the afternoon/ late evening and we will make sure it will come to an end before people nearby are disturbed by noise or crowds.

People on the door accepting entry fees would be students themselves, further adding to the relaxed environment.


In terms of printing and producing work for the show, we will each be responsible for funding our own work. However, for other costs such as drinks/ food etc we will all contribute a sum.

Pay on entry - £2

Food & Drinks free


This year, we have had several opportunities to work in groups including this one. This was my first experience of putting together an exhibition and is something I will definitely aim to do more of over summer and in third year.

I enjoyed the process of this task thoroughly as I have come to realise that one aspect of the industry I really enjiy and excel at is both coming up with ideas as well as leading a team. I took it upon myself to lead the team with this task in terms of delegating jobs, tasks and deciding which ideas we would take forward. This year has been a massive learning curve for me and this being one of the things I have learnt about myself the most and something I hope I can improve on greatly so that I can lead a team of professionals one day.