Tuesday 14 November 2017

OUGD602 - Photography Studio Session

Photographing for
Putting Portfolio Together

When contacting studios and designers with the intention of finding an internship, the response I get is to send over some sort of portfolio or PDF that demonstrates my work and where I am at in my progression. This quickly made me realise that I haven't got anything I could send over yet.

When gathering my past projects that I would like employers to see, I realised that last year I was lazy when it came to photographing some of my final resolutions. This led me to set myself the task of booking out a photography studio and retake some final resolution photos that will then make up a portfolio to send to designers.

Translation Book

This is one of my most successful projects from level 5. The photos I had of it from last year were inadequate for a portfolio as they looked unprofessional and rushed. This time round I made sure that the white balance was more accurate, I also reprinted the front cover as the original looked old and worn.

Moistifying Garms

Monday 6 November 2017

OUGD602 - Writing Task

How to
Write About my Work

Quick writing task on how to correctly and concisely describe my own projects for the purpose of portfolios and online presence.

- Pick favourite projects of mine
 > use 'elevator pitch'
- What, How & Why - a sentence answering three things
 > What is the core idea
 > How does it work
 > Why does it work

Katakana Editorial

> A publication that simplifies the sub-category, Katakana, of the Japanese language for English speaking people.
> The design & layout is informed by ease of use, allowing readers to digest and understand the content more easily
> The information being easy to understand allows the reader to learn the Katakana language more comfortably

Parkinson's App

> A smartphone application that helps connect the young-onset community of people living with Parkinson's disease
> The easy-to-use app presents users with various activities and events available for the young-onset community as well as acting as a calendar to help with organisation.
> The app reminds young-onset people with the disease that they are not alone and that there are ample opportunities to meet up with others in the same position; tackling depression and loneliness


I found this task relatively easy as I have not struggled with this in the passed and is something I consider myself good at. However, it was a good reminder into the method of writing and has confirmed in my head that I am doing it correctly and concisely.